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Below are frequently asked questions, you may find the answer for yourself.

How can I become a seller/vendor on the platform?

Answer : UpdatedAnswer: To become a seller on our platform, you can register as a vendor by filling out the vendor registration form. Once submitted, our team will review your application, and upon approval, you will gain access to your vendor dashboard to manage your products and orders.

What are the fees and commissions for selling on the platform?

Answer : Answer: We offer competitive pricing plans for vendors based on their sales volume. Our fees typically include a commission on each successful sale, and we also provide optional subscription packages with added benefits for vendors.

How are payments processed for orders made from my store?

Answer : Answer: When a customer places an order from your store, the payment will be securely processed through our integrated payment gateway. After deducting any applicable fees and commissions, the remaining balance will be transferred to your designated account within the agreed-upon payment cycle.

How does shipping and order fulfillment work for vendors?

Answer : Answer: As a vendor, you are responsible for managing the shipping and order fulfillment process for your products. You can set your shipping rates and delivery methods, and the customers will be provided with shipping options during checkout based on the selected products.

What kind of products can I sell on the platform?

Answer : Answer: Our platform supports a wide range of products, including physical goods, digital downloads, handmade items, and more. However, certain restricted or prohibited items may not be allowed, and we encourage you to review our vendor guidelines and terms of service.

How do customer reviews and ratings work for vendors?

Answer : Answer: Customers can leave reviews and ratings for your products and services based on their shopping experience. Positive reviews can help build trust and credibility for your store, while negative reviews provide opportunities for improvement. Vendors are encouraged to respond to reviews and address customer feedback promptly.

Is there a customer support system for vendors on the platform?

Answer : Answer: Yes, we have a dedicated customer support team to assist vendors with any queries or issues they may encounter. You can reach out to our support team through our help center or vendor dashboard for prompt assistance.

What marketing and promotional tools are available for vendors?

Answer : Answer: We offer various marketing and promotional features to help vendors increase their visibility and sales. You can run special offers, discounts, and promotions, as well as participate in site-wide sales events and marketing campaigns.

Can't find your answers? Contact Us